Sunday 7 March 2010

Skirts, shirts and sleeves

Below is my design work from Friday's lesson (5/2/10)
The design process was carried out in the same way as last week, we were given an item to design eg- shirts and then given half an hour to design six pages. This sounded easy in theory however is a lot harder when you are under pressure trying to rack your brain frantically for any design ideas !!
This week I again tried to use different media's, this week I used biro pen, charcoal and pantone pen, below are the outcomes. I am pleased with my designs and I am liking this way of designing a lot more than other methods I used due to it being so free, quick, easy and effortless. While designing I found designing sleeves and skirts a lot easier and quicker than shirts. I dont know why this is however one reason may be that there are more components to a shirt ie collars cuffs etc than a skirt or sleeve contain.




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