Monday 22 March 2010

Feedback on capsule collection take one

Feedback from Fridays lesson :-
  • Change Colours to better represent the colours on the mood board. Possibly use scanned fabrics to represent the colours of the garments.
  • Needs to be more of a range - I can hopefully achieve this by adding in an evening longer length dress, and a blouse. Possibly adapt one of the jackets to become a longer length coat.
  • Range could have possibly been more outrageous and extravagant, more couture to then be able to create a diffusion range from it as it looks very ready to wear.
From this feedback I will hopefully adapt and change my range to improve it. By doing this it may possibly change my mind on which outfit I choose to produce, or create a new and totally different outfit to produce .

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Research Pages

Capsule Collection - Take One

Above is the first take at my six piece capsule collection. Using all of my previous design development and design ideas, below I started to develop some ideas for my capsule collection drawing both front and back views. I then decided on six key pieces that I believe work well together. I will develop the collection further by adding colour, textures and different Fabric ideas. On Friday I will present the collection to my group to gain their feedback, thoughts and response to it, and ways I could possibly improve it.

Capsule Collection Designs

Friday 12 March 2010

Trouser's, Dresses, Jackets and Coats

Here are a selcection of my designs from 12/03/10's design development lesson. I continued to experiment with different medias and ways of drawing and designing. I like working this way as i am still not 100% happy with one way of designing, i still feel that I am very much still searching for that perfect design handwritting that easy is free fluid and personal to me. I may develop these designs further by taking the different shapoes I have draw and developing them futher into actual garments, and design how they will be constucted and made.
Next i will be combining all my design development from the last few weeks, all the different ideas and concepts to start putting together a six outfit capsule collection based on my concept for my chosen designer Givenchy.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Shirts, skirts and sleeves research

Here is some of my design research for my shirts, skirts and sleeves.

Skirts, shirts and sleeves

Below is my design work from Friday's lesson (5/2/10)
The design process was carried out in the same way as last week, we were given an item to design eg- shirts and then given half an hour to design six pages. This sounded easy in theory however is a lot harder when you are under pressure trying to rack your brain frantically for any design ideas !!
This week I again tried to use different media's, this week I used biro pen, charcoal and pantone pen, below are the outcomes. I am pleased with my designs and I am liking this way of designing a lot more than other methods I used due to it being so free, quick, easy and effortless. While designing I found designing sleeves and skirts a lot easier and quicker than shirts. I dont know why this is however one reason may be that there are more components to a shirt ie collars cuffs etc than a skirt or sleeve contain.




Tuesday 2 March 2010

My own collar, cuffs and silhouettes - (lesson - 26/02/10)

The main aim of Friday's lesson was to pool the groups research together on collar, cuffs and silhouettes and start to develop some designs.
I was absent during Friday's lesson but by talking to other group members I was able to get the jist of what we were as pose to achieve. The main aim was to free up the way we design and start to become more free and quick when designing. To do this we were given 30 minutes to do six design sheets, so I gave this ago at home.
At first I found this very hard having to design very quickly and not being so precise and precious when it came to my designs. I also tried using different media including pencil, pantone pen, biro pen and charcoal. My preferred media out of all of them I used was the charcoal.
I really enjoyed this exercise and enjoyed this new quick and free way of designing and am really pleases with the results below.