Tuesday 16 February 2010

My Concept - Beautifully Dark

They say if you talk about something enough it will start to sink in well here it goes with my concept .........

The main theme for my concept is beautifully dark, looking at things that may often be seen as horrible and dark or have a dark undertone or subtext but are actually quiet beautiful. Such as the bones of a skeleton creating a beautiful pattern, or the decay of something creating beautiful deep colours and tones. Romanticism & violence, Masculine & feminine, harsh & soft, bold & pastels.
This will also allow me to look at the contrast between the two looking at the harshness of something dark and the softness of something beautiful. When relating this to a garment it will allow me to experiment with a mixture of hard tailoring and soft draping.
As well as looking at the contrast between the to I will also research into how to combine the to themes to make something totally different and new.

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